The School
Hasland Junior School
Hasland Junior is a very popular and successful 12 class (three form entry) school on the outskirts of Chesterfield.
We are very lucky to be housed in a fantastic modern building which was constructed in 2007, sharing the site with Hasland Hall Secondary School.
The number on roll is 375 with currently three single age classes in each year group. Each year group (Y3 to Y6) has its own work area linking each of the three classrooms and providing work space for one to one support and practical work such as art or science.
There is a large hall used for daily assemblies and indoor PE lessons, computer suite, library and a ‘group room’ used for the daily Breakfast Club and small focus group work.
The main office and Headteacher’s office are located near the main entrance.
Dinners are served in the dining room of Hasland Hall secondary school.
We are very proud of our superb outdoor space! We have a large playground used for a variety of playground games. In addition, there is a newly built climbing wall.
Adjoining, the playground there is also a large garden area with a greenhouse, more seating and raised flower beds. This is used by children during playtimes as a quiet area and is maintained by children, staff and parents.
Finally, there is an extensive woodland area including outdoor musical instruments, seating areas. This is used by children on a daily basis weather permitting.
We also have access to a large school field which is used for sports day, although this is located some distance from the main school building.
The school offers the children an exciting curriculum which is enriched through a wide variety of trips out and visitors that come into the school.
A full set of the audited school fund accounts for the school are available on request from the school office.
Please also find a link below to the school's own financial benchmarking.