Hasland Junior School

Successful Happy Safe

'Reach for the moon and even if you miss,
you will land amongst the stars.'

School Uniform

We have a school uniform and we hope that all parents will ensure their children are dressed accordingly.      

  • Sweatshirts / fleece: navy (logo desirable but not essential);
  • Skirts (of appropriate length as defined by Headteacher) / trousers / leggings: grey or black;
  • Shorts in summer: grey or black;
  • Polo shirts: white;  (logo desirable but not essential)
  • Dresses: blue gingham;
  • Socks: dark or white;
  • Tights: grey or black;
  • Shoes / trainers: black;
  • No sandals or heels;
  • Hats to keep safe in the sun.

PE Kit:

  • Blue or black leggings or jogging/tracksuit bottoms, free from logos, or blue or black shorts.
  • T-shirt in house colour. Crop tops, vest tops and football shirts are not appropriate.
  • Any form of hoodie or jumper should also be in the child’s house colour or should be in navy or black and should be plain.
  • Plimsolls: black; trainers for outdoor PE – any colour


We encourage children to take care of their clothing and endeavour to ensure that missing articles are found. It is essential for parents/carers to mark all items clearly with the child’s name.


Nail varnish is not appropriate and should not be worn in school.


We also ask that parents do not allow their child to dye their hair unnatural colours as this does not fit in with the uniform policy.

A full range of Hasland Junior school uniform is available to purchase online from our uniform supplier 'Just-school wear'.

Click on the following link - Hasland Junior School Uniform

A limited supply of uniform is available to purchase direct from the school office paying on Parent pay.